
CryptoMotors is a new concept, a digital automaker powered by the Ethereum blockchain. It is a platform that grants access to the user community to join the creation of digital vehicles, as well as to collect, use and trade these. The challenge is to rethink the way we create and enjoy cars. 
By giving the opportunity to partake in the development process and creating an open reward system, professionals and enthusiasts alike can design in a world without limits for creation. 
Every vehicle created in the platform is a unique and special craft made crypto collectible with full ownership rights thanks to the non-fungible token called ERC-721. No one will be able to destroy or take your vehicle away. 
CryptoMotors believes in bringing the highest quality and standards of the automotive design industry together with the latest VR, AR, and Blockchain technology. The results are vehicles that users are pleased to own, collect and be entertained with.

The Product: 
CryptoMotors are 3D digital vehicles created by design professionals with the help of the community and are built based on the Ethereum blockchain. These vehicles can be bought and sold using Ether, also personalized creating new custom variations. Each project contains limited units with their unique identification number and stats; following the principle of the digital scarcity, just like in the real world, some items are rarer than others.

Design: Every single vehicle is created with the highest standards in the automotive industry. The difference of CryptoMotors is that on the one hand it gives access to the user community to participate in the design process and on the other hand it rewards passionate designers who engage actively in the development of these unique vehicles.

Investment: Users can invest in a CryptoMotors as they would do with any other cryptocurrency. It can be hodl or trade easily in our marketplace. In the case that the vehicle model is featured in a game, movie or is physically produced, the holders of the token will be rewarded with a percentage of the total earnings generated by the vehicle during this time.

Entertainment: CryptoMotors is developing a car racing game where users can compete with their vehicles. Our team also promotes the integration and collaboration with different video games and platforms, expanding the horizons for the users to decide where to enjoy their assets.

Pro designed crypto vehicles 
Our team believes in the idea that skilled hands can add a lot of personality and creativity to the crypto collectibles industry, making the development of every CryptoMotors a unique process. The passion and the expert work is the added value to this brand-new crypto asset.

In the effort to create new digital collectibles, most platforms fall into the trap of mimicking the method from the auto-generated collectibles. We want to break this tradition and shape objects that users are proud to own and collect because they are carefully crafted just like in the real world.

The Platform: 
The CryptoMotors platform is divided into three main areas: Studio, Garage, and Market.

he Studio is the place where the vehicles are developed and where users can follow up and vote on the different stages of the design process. The most significant difference to the typical car design studio is that CryptoMotors believes in an open platform, where the community has a voice in the decision and design process, with the philosophy “This is a place with no secrets between creators and users.”

Every vehicle is created in response to a “design brief” that brings different features: Type, specifications, quantity, and price.

The Garage is the place where users can store and interact with their vehicles. Any vehicle one buys unique with individual stats. Once acquired, it appears in the garage, giving the owner full access to it, including its development process. The customization function runs here allowing users to tune and personalize their acquired vehicles. Vehicles are displayed here starting with photorealistic render images and later on a 3D model visualized in the browser or with VR.

The Market is the place where sales, resales, and orders of vehicles are made, in the following categories:

From Studio: Represents the new cars coming directly from the design studio to the marketplace. The stats of Studio cars are hidden until the user purchase it.

Sale: Representing the peer to peer marketplace where users can trade their vehicles with each other. CryptoMotors accounts for a 3.75% fee for transactions executed in our market.

Prices are displayed in Ether (ETH).

Collectible Classifications: TYPE and GEN 
CryptoMotors are divided by TYPE and Generation (GEN). 
- TYPE: Is the segment of the vehicles. Eg.: sedan, coupé, SUV. 
- GEN: Refers to the generation of the vehicle. The starting generation is the GEN 0. Once the TYPE of car is designed for another time, a new GEN begins.

Price & Quantity 
During the different stages of the design process, the vehicles are offered at the presale for the visionaries to invest in a project since the first sketch is drawn. During the design brief and depending on TYPE and quantity, the final unit price is fixed.

Design Process & Design Challenges 
The process to create a CryptoMotors vehicle can be divided into three main stages, and the same applies to the design challenges:

Stage 1 - Sketching phase (pre-selection) 
Pen sketching help designers to explore different design ideas as fast as possible. Even in the digital era, the pen is still a fundamental tool to be able to go beyond the limits of the physical world.

The pre-selection on the design challenges ensures to keep a high-quality standard of design content. Designers present their First Stage Design Proposals. The requirements are: 
- Side view 
- 3/4 Front 
- 3/4 Rear

Once the pre-selection is completed, designers are selected, and their sketches are publicly presented.

Stage 2 - 2D Rendered Proposals 
Two-dimensional renders/illustrations are a big help to ensure a smooth development process and to clarify the design intention.

Following the pre-selection stage, designers will have to continue the development and create PSD renders of their proposals. The requirements are: 
- Side view - PSD 
- Front - PSD 
- Rear - PSD

The user community can help in the decision process through voting the best design, before going into the final round for final development.

Stage 3 - Final Design; 3D development 
In the final step, the vehicle is developed in 3D in a process called CAS modeling. Here the digital 3D model is generated by CryptoMotors team in cooperation with the designer. Once the final 3D is presented, a public sale and the final asset distribution begins.

Design brief 
The design brief is a written document to kick-start the project. It provides the guidelines to transform ideas into new shapes and products. Also, the CryptoMotors brief includes the TYPE of vehicle, the GEN and the price/quantity of the car.

Reward system 
Reward System A reward is given to the designers who participated in the design challenges based on the result of these. The amount of the prize is set up during the design brief.

Rewards can include: 
- a percentage of the direct sales generated by the vehicle. 
- a crypto vehicle created as result of the project. 
- special packages and more.

Early Stage Project Investment 
During the Stage 1 and Stage 2 is possible to invest in any CryptoMotors project. This gives an opportunity to obtain the vehicles at an early adopter discounted price. Discounts vary from 5% to 20% discounts depending on the type of project.

A variety of unique customizations are going to be possible for the CryptoMotors vehicles. Color, rims, tires, spoilers, decals, and more variations are presented as an aftermarket option. Depending on the new modification the stats of the vehicle are adjusted, thereby this gives absolute control to the users wishing to race their cars with a unique strategy

Users can also decide on the final appearance of their acquired CryptoMotors. A dedicated marketplace will be opened for buying and trading vehicle parts.

Racing Game 
Cryptomotors is working in its own stat game for the platform as part of the roadmap

Stats system 
Each vehicle is built with a range of possible stats dependent on its type (as already mentioned under “Studio” and “The Platform”). Once a user buys the vehicle, its stats are generated randomly from predefined margins depending on the model, thereby creating unique cars. Once a car has been purchased, its stats are no longer hidden, as such it is the choice of the user whether to buy from the Design Studio or another user. Vehicles present a brief cool down between races, explained further below.

Vehicles consist of the following stats: 
- Speed, - Acceleration - Handling - Grip - Braking - Cool down - Generation

Based on the stats of the car, weighted by their relative importance for the type of race plus the driver’s experience and small randomly generated number (to keep things interesting) a “Win” number is generated. This number represents how well a car did. The car with the highest “Win” number wins.

However this feels a little plain, so we decided to call this “Simulation 1”. Any race will have many simulations (for ex: 300) and whoever wins most simulations is the race winner.

Further to each statistic, results of the racing also depend on a “Luck factor,” as well as “driver’s experience.”

Racing Tracks 
Four different types of races are possible at the beginning: - Track racing - Off-road racing - Drifting - Drag racing.

Each of this tracks will take into consideration a combination of different stats, by giving more importance to some of these against the others. It is in the user experience to decide which vehicle to use for the racing.

Cool Down 
In between races, a cooldown happens. Likewise, this works as the alternative option to wear & tear or repair requirements in the garage limiting activities required to fulfill between racing. Vehicles depending in their type will have a different waiting time before being able to enter to the next racing.

Generation & Prestige 
The generation of the car will improve the amounts of “Prestige” you gain while competing with it. As prestige raises, it does your driver skill. This means that owning cars from earlier generations is beneficial to increase Prestige. What is more, even if a Gen 0 car has sub-optimal stats, it will still have value for its Prestige capabilities. This follows the concept of rarity and classic vehicles gaining value over time.

Social Impact 
In addition to CryptoMotors’ mission we want to create an “everything is possible” environment by opening the design studio to all our users and encouraging designers and enthusiasts from around the globe to shape the future together. At the same time, we want to bring the expertise and design quality from the automotive industry to the crypto world, showing that it is possible to own collectibles that were designed by car design professionals and with the maximum quality.

Partaking in the creation and design process of a vehicle is an exclusive privilege that only a few in the world have the chance to enjoy nowadays. CryptoMotors opens its design studios door to the community and gives a voice during this exciting process

New Opportunities 
Designers will have a unique alternative to the traditional work where remote work is the new standard. Designers are no longer constrained by borders or limits in creation, without distinctions to nationality and place of residence. Finally, no diploma or further certification is needed to design cars, in contrast, we encourage passionate and talented people to conquer this new world of possibilities.

Going by the slogan “Sharing is caring” and with the goal of creating a better and more open future, CryptoMotors aspires to open an Academy offering exclusive design learning content and giving a chance to any design enthusiast to become a car design master.

The whitelist is open to the community starting from 25th September 2018 to get early access to the beta platform, promotional vehicles and discounts before the Design Studio open its doors to assist in building up the CryptoMotors community ecosystem.

To push this, granted limited spots give access to promotions as part of the young community with access to the first Generation of CryptoMotors.

The whitelist communication will be done through our Telegram and Discord channels with and

Special Signature Editions 
CryptoMotors will work in collaboration with different artists and designers to create special signature editions. These vehicles are going to have a Pre-sale whitelist price. Once completed the cars are going to be placed in the Market as auctions only for a limited time. The community will be informed about future partnerships and collaborations by the CryptoMotors Team

Every CryptoMotors vehicle is unique. Like in real life the chassis number is a unique identification code that allows one to differentiate between one car and another. Likewise, the key represented through a smart Ethereum contract gives one access to make use of their digital collectible. All of this is possible thanks to the blockchain technology. Every car is created using an ERC721 token standard (non-fungible token), creating unique digital assets. ERC-721 allows persons to have direct ownership of items, having complete and direct control over their virtual goods; giving them the option to store, sell, exchange and make use of their digital objects in many different ways.

Today, CryptoMotors is different from any other crypto collectible or digital crypto asset on the market. The scalability is limited to the hands of the designers and the number of manufactured 3D vehicles. The value of the tokens is backed up by hours of professional design work. This will prevent any scalability issue in the Ethereum blockchain. Vehicles are subject to a limited quantity and cannot be auto-generated. At the same time, there is no limit to growth. Designers, 3D modelers, and artists are welcome to join the team to make this community more exciting day by day. Our dream is to shape the future with a digital vehicle revolution.

Future applications 
IIt is part of our roadmap to close the bridges between the digital and the physical world. Our team has many years of experience in bringing 3D digital cars to reality. We have been working closely with the most prominent automotive brands sculpting their original dream cars into

3D data that with the matter of months are physically produced. CryptoMotors wants to offer our enthusiast community the chance to own 3D printed models of their digital vehicles, and we open the possibility of even making 1:1 hard model and also limited series production cars.

Investing in CryptoMotors’ Future 
What makes investing in CryptoMotors even more special is the fact that every car could be potentially physically prototyped or manufactured. If that happens, and units are sold, we will give back a 10% of the earnings to the community of holders of the lucky car.


1Q 2018 - PRE-CryptoMotors Team - Team is build - Initial White Paper completed - Advisor Team and Investments are set up - Development of smart contract scheme starts (erc-20 / erc721) - Development of Back End starts 

2Q 2018 - MVP DEV / Design dev
- Dev of MVP version starts - Car Design Team starts creations - 3Ds are created for 3 selected cars - Marketing concept ideation - Brand Identity

3Q 2018 - Whitelist / Early adopters / UG 
- CryptoMotors UG is created - Testing MVP functionality - Testing design challenges - Finalization of 3D vehicles - Creation of Photorealistic renderings - Whitelist is revealed (early adopters) - Teaser campaign

4Q 2018 - MVP / Design Challenges / Beta Racings 
- MVP is launched - Digital Market starts operation - Studio open its door with CM own designs. - Behind Scenes campaign - Beta version of racing game - Dev of racing game - First Design challenges - Initial talk for Partnerships with Video Games and VR companies.

1Q 2019 - Full racing game/ Customization Dev / 3D - VR 
- Full racing game presented - 3D - VR viewer - Cars are tested in external games - Workshop for customizable dev

2Q 2019 - Customizable Parts / 3D Prints / Academy 
- Workshop for Customizable Parts presented - 3D printed cars are offered as Aftermarket solution - CryptoMotors Academy

3Q 2019 - CryptoMotors Token 
- Implementation of CM Token - Dev team works in mobile app

4Q 2019 - Mobile App dev - 3D/VR game 
- Mobile app - CryptoMotors starts dev of 3D/VR game

The team 

CEO / Lead 3D Modeler @ Leandro Bellone
CFO@ Andrew Müller
CTO@ Nahuel Cirocco
Lead Blockchain Developer @ Santiago Carullo
Lead Car Designer @ Rodrigo Maldonado
Software Developer @ Leonel Cirocco
Game Designer @ Federico Balbo
Graphic Designer @ Barbara de maio
Marketing/ Graphic Designer @ Arne Saxe
Creative Designer @ Alejando Conzon
Visualization/VR artist@ Dimitri Dillmann

For further information, please see the link below:
Bitcointalk URL :;u=905011
ETH address : 0x9D7C69Ba1C7C72326186127f48AF6D61Ff95496D


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