Migranet - Decentralized Migration Platform

Hello friends all are still with me. This time I will provide information about a project that is very interesting for you to know in a new cryptocurrency named MIGRANET. Before heading to the discussion, I think we all agree that blockchain technology still requires efforts that encourage adoption to continue to grow and continue to grow in the future.

Have you ever think of migrating to another country or region? Have you ever been scammed by an agent or third-party in the course of migrating to another location? Have you ever think of migrating at a lower cost? If yes I think the savior we have all been waiting and eager to see has come. A new blockchain platform that will deliver all migrant from scam and free all migrants from stress encountered during migration has comes. The name of this platform is MIGRANET.

Blockchain technology as we have all known is a latest and best technology recently in all sector have adopted its use and recorded a positive growth. It is this same technology MIGRANET has decided to use to liberate the migrant from all the scammers and third-party rendering a scam services to people and travelers around the globe. People always believe it’s not easy and as well not possible to travel and do documentation on their own which this believes has led them to the services of third-party agents who are either scammers or incompetent.

A lot have been lost to scammers all in the name of migrating from one region to another. Some third-party services have duped their customer’s huge amount of money which can never be recovered. This is why I believed MIGRANET platform is the savior the people have been waiting for because it has come with an advanced features to revolutionize the whole migration industries and likewise imp[rove migration processes.

Whenever I remembered what happened to me some years back I always felt bad because of the huge amount of money I lost to third-party services all in the name of processing and documentation in which at the end of the day none of the documents provided was valid and up till today the agent was nowhere to be found. If only I have known MIGRANET platform by that time I believed my problems would have been averted.

The Problem
As if finding the right place to put down roots wasn’t hard enough, migrants routinely deal with scams, red tape and financial hurdles to get there.

What’s the best fit for one’s education, skills, preferences and needs? How about their family?

Migrants often fall prey to scammers or unprofessional lawyers and migration agents.

Honest migration professionals costs thousands, and backlogged systems often results in repeated fees.

Unavailable credit cards, high FX rates, delays in funds transfer, and high banking rates.

As the MIGRANET platform has observed the whole migration process is broken and it’s truly need to be fixed which is definitely true and I believed if all the problems listed above would ever be solved and avoided then travelers and migrants needs to start considering MIGRANET platform which is a blockchain based platform. One good thing about a blockchain based platform is that users and members always have full freedom, access and controls unlike their counterpart that didn’t base on blockchain network.

MIGRANET platform has introduced different features and services to be rendered to its users and customers to make migration easy for all and sundry. Part of the new features is the introduction of free assessment by the expert in the platform to weighed different options available for the migrants.

Migrant’s documents and personal details are highly secured on the blockchain network against what we do experience on the other platform out there. Security of migrant’s documents and personal details is one of the priority of MIGRANET platform in which I believed every migrants will be happy to hear about the safety of their documents.

MIGRANET platform charges little to no fees for the whole migration and documentation process unlike what is been experienced in the other migration platform. MIGRANET has decided to cut down the whole migration fees by 90% of what others charges in which I believed migrants will also be happy about the reduction.

The Solution
Migranet platform provides transparency, accuracy and accountability at a fraction of traditional cost.

Algorithms verify credentials, and ranks and recommend host countries for immigration.

Built-in smart contracts will provide protection to migrants from fraud, malpractice, and misrepresentation.

To ensure the safety of the refugees and to keep their original identity private, the assigned biometric ID will not include their legal name, date of birth and the country of origin – only the encrypted hash.

Cryptographic utility token, which will be used for the payment of services on the Migranet platform.

MIGRANET provides high level of transparency in the whole migration and documentation processes and migrants will have full access details of the migration and how it’s been done. The use of blockchain smart contracts by MIGRANET platform will definitely protect the migrants from all form of scams and malpractices.

MIGRANET has also launched its own token which is to be used as payment fees in the platform. All what migrants need to do is just to get a hold of MIGRANET token and use it to pay for the processing fees. More information about the token and its sales will be summarized below.


> Token Symbol => MIG
> Blockchain Network => ERC20
> Token Supply => 850,000,000 MIG
> Circulating Supply => 510,000,000 MIG
> Soft-Cap => $20,000,000
> Hard-Cap => $75,000,000


> 60% Allocated to Public Sales
> 30% Allocated to Reserve
> 5.5% Allocated to Team
> 2.5% Allocated to Advisors
> 2% Allocated to Bounty


> 30% Allocated to Platform Development
> 21% Allocated to Recruitment & Compensation
> 18% Allocated to Marketing, Media and Events
> 17% Allocated to Reserve
> 10% Allocated to Admin, Security & Audit
> 4% Allocated to Legal




More information can see the link below:

Username : Bitcoinissatan
ETH address :


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