
Shelter is a basic human necessity. 
The demand for shelter and work fuels the world’s biggest asset class and generates huge cash flows from all directions. Copious amounts of this hard-earned equity and profit flows into intermediaries and giant corporations, whilst causing time-delays, inefficiencies, excessive costs and barriers to entry. This creates many problems for cross-border applicants, landlords, tenants, investors and buyers.

Most investments are transacted through large, multinational companies, thus restricting access to the average person or investor.

Total world real estate values grew by 5% in 2016. GDP grew by 2.3% in 2015/161 , meaning the worlds real estate asset value grew faster than its income. The world now owns real estate assets worth 2.8 times its annual income (GDP)1 . This real estate asset-to-income ratio has increased from 2.7 in 2015 and is continually rising, meaning not only has the property ladder grown out of reach for some, but it now generates more money as an asset, in equity appreciation and rent, than the average wage.

Early in 2016, World Research reported that global real estate values totaled US$217 trillion. Our research in 2017 shows that figure has risen. Global asset price inflation has now increased the amount to US$228 trillion at constant prices – an increase of 5% in real terms1 .

Global real estate is a more valuable asset class than all stocks, shares and securitised debt combined, which together amount to just US$170 trillion1 . The value of all gold ever mined throughout history pales into even greater insignificance at a mere US$6.5 trillion.

The market value of UK real estate is £1,662bn, representing 21% of total net wealth. Real estate contributes £94bn to the UK economy – 5.4% of GDP2 .

1. Savills World Research team, posted by Yolande Barnes Head of Savills World Research 
2. Britain's Property Credentials 

100,000,000 ELAD Tokens will minted on a fix supply, the reserve may be stored or burnt
after Token sale which may alter the available supply.  A maximum of 15% of the total supply will be used as a long-term incentive, to ensure

alignment of founder’s interests with investors, engage partners into the ELAD community
and grow app loyalty.  10% of ELAD tokens may be held in a reserve to provide immediate liquidity if ELAD tokens

have high demand once listed on exchanged.

Any unused tokens may be burned after 12 months or kept and locked for future growth.

Distribution - ELAD Tokens Volumes
Crowd Sale - 75,000,000 ELAD
Reserve - 10,000,000 ELAD
Team - 10,000,000 ELAD
Partners - 5,000,000 ELAD
Total (Mint) - 100,000,000 ELAD


1. The majority of the reserve will be held offline for 12 to 24 months, and will be used for
future ventures, exchange liquidity, competitions and challenges.

2. If deemed unnecessary or counterproductive the tokens will be burned.

Founders, Team and Partners

1. Held by Team, Founders, Partners and Advisors, some of these tokens will released on
completion of service.

2. Most will be held for 12-24 months periods to ensure good work ethics, promote growth
and guarantee team interests are aligned with investors.

Presale and Private Sale

1. 15% of all ELAD tokens will be available during the pre-sale and private sale with a bonus of
up to 60%
2. Registered users will be able to get early access to participate in the private sale and pre-
3. A Smart contract will distribute tokens instantly during all sale after transfer of accepted
currency, coins will be lock in your wallet until the end of all sales.
4. If the soft cap is not hit all transaction will be refunded minus the gas used to power the

Pre-sale Start Date July 1
st 2019. 09:00AM ( GMT)
Pre-sale End Date Sep 1
st 2019 . 18:00PM ( GMT)

Minimum Private and Pre-Sale Supply 600,000 ELAD (Soft cap) 480 ETH
Maximum Private and Pre-Sale Supply 10,000,000 ELAD (Hard cap) 8,000 ETH
Private and Pre-Sale Token Value* 1 ETH = 1250 ELAD (60% Bonus)

Maximum Transaction Amount
Minimum Transaction Amount
250 ETH (312,500 ELAD)
0.5 ETH (625 ELAD)
Accepted Currencies ETH, BTC, LTC

Property Investment

Loan-to-Value Ratio (LTV) = Loan Amount/Property Value
Capital Gain = Sale Price – (Purchase Price + Costs)
Return on Investment (ROI) = Capital Gain/(Purchase Price + Costs)

Property Rental

Gross Yield = Annual Rental Income/Property Value
Net Yield = (Annual Rental Income – Operational Costs)/Property Value
Capital Value = (Annual R.I./Yield of Equiv. Properties) x 100
Gross Scheduled Income (GSI) = Annual Rental Income x No. of Units
Gross Operating Income (GOI) = Gross Scheduled Income x Occupancy
Net Operating Income (NOI) = Gross Operating Income – Expenses


We have a strong interest in high yielding underpriced real estate and by selling property on the
blockchain, we will cut out expensive fees through our P2P network.

Road map

More information can see the link below:

Username : Bitcoinissatan
ETH address :


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