One of Qwertycoin's main goals is to make things as simple and as accessible as possible

The presence of cryptocurrency over the past few years has cause a rapid and an ongoing growth in the financial sector and presently the cryptocurrency industry worth more billions of dollar. Cryptocurrency is a term used to describe various coin in the digital market. Cryptocurrency is designed to act as a medium of exchange instead of using paper money, a digital coin is being used as a means of exchange for goods and services. The cryptocurrency system protects the information of clients in the digital market, it verify transactions in the market using a cryptographic algorithm with a full speed. The use of cryptocurrency is the most preferable and easiest way of paying in a cashless society because it requires little trading fees, their is privacy of users, fast transactions, no government rule, law and policy can disrupt the growth of the digital market.

While this revolution is gaining wide acceptance, QWERTYCOIN is a technology-based ecosystem that introduces new decentralized financial services designed using flexible blockchain technology with full control for users


Qwertycoin is a technology-based ecosystem that introduces new decentralized financial services designed using flexible blockchain technology with full control for users. Various activities and interactions of its users on the Qwertycoin platform are carried out mechanically using a multi-functional algorithm on a platform designed within the Qwertycoin ecosystem. Users can use this platform for various Decentralized economic transaction processes with a healthy and effective scheme. In the Qwertycoin ecosystem of DeFi services such as Mining Pool, Trading, Governance and other features that are being developed.

Qwertycoin creates a new platform technology framework where it will be effectively configured which allows compatibility to various components and the integration of other systems through Blockchain technology. Their Framework will use sophisticated smart contracts which are well audited ensuring safety, reliability, effectiveness and safety for their users. Its main function is to ensure transparency and security, with the aim of becoming a new DeFi Ecosystem operating safely and effectively.

The Vision

Reliable and easy to use/user-friendly blockchain service

Decentralized development from crowd efforts and funding

Privacy protection for the members of its network

Abundant supply to allow a fair distribution among a large number of members

Qwertycoin (QWC) team envisions the future of finance relies on distributed ledger technology, the blockchain. Unlike traceable bitcoin, QWC developers applied Cryptonote Technology V2.0, which has been verified to provide anonymity of users from the earlier generations of cryptocurrencies.

Everyone is free to join all QWC network and use its services at a low cost. However, QWC requires a central authority for the development and the management of QWC network and blockchain. Community engagements and donations are necessary to keep the development moving forward.

QWC team operates under the unanimous consensus of transparent management for all its members.

The QWC Token

QWC Token is the native currency that will be used in the DeFi Qwertycoin ecosystem. This token will be based on Ethereum Blockchain technology with its effective Smart Contract feature, enabling various financial processes in their ecosystem effectively, automatically and cheaply. Users can use QWC as an exchange tool for various things in their Ecosystem such as mining pool.

Therefore, QWC Coin is the native cryptocurrency of theQwertycoin ecosystem. QWC tokens optimize liquidity, a feature that will play a key role in the overall liquidity control of the exchange when exchanging various coins. Users will spend their QWC tokens in real-time transfer, which ensures they don't need to sell tokens to buy something.


Total supply of coins: 184.47 billion

Current block time: 120 seconds -> 20 seconds

Time for transaction hashes: instant (<4 seconds)

Main design: CryptoNote V2.0 - forked from Bytecoin, Monero + Karbowanek + Digitalnote and Qwertycoin V1.0]

About The Listing

In the early stage, QWC experienced issues with exchanges (Octaex(China), Crepcoin Exchange(Decentralized), Altex Exchange(Decentralized)) arising from various factors such as delays or lack of support, site shut downs and service terminations, which caused damages to QWC members.

From past experience and failure to select proper exchanges for trading, the listing strategies for QWC are the followings:

To have as many trading pairs as possible across multiple platforms

To be listed on exchanges a verified business entity with a registration with transparency, reputation, volume and history

To be listed on market tracker websites for broaden market exposure and bring awareness

Crex24 / Estonia: Funded by the QWC Team [BTC]

BitexLIVE / Turkey: Funded by QWC Team [USDT]

Fedlio / Singapore or Seychelles - Funded by QWC Team [ETH / BCHABC / DASH] - Warning regarding withdrawal issue!

Bisq / Decentralized - Promoted by QWC Team [BTC] - Requires activation cost.

Bituan / China: Promoted by QWC Chinese Community [USDT]

Citex / Korea: Promoted by the Chinese QWC Community [BTC / ETH]

QBTC / China: Promoted by QWC China Community [CNYT]

Tyche / Unknown - Promoted by QWC Team [ETH / USDT / DOGE / TEX]

Altilly / HK - Funded by Team QWC [BTC / ETH / DOGE / XQR]

BKEX / - Promoted by the Chinese QWC Community [BTC / ETH]

Becoin / - Promoted by the Chinese QWC Community [BTC / ETH]

Members of the QWC community should be aware that the listing contract can be canceled if there is not sufficient trading volume.


Stage 1: Currency Application Development (2017 – By the end of 2019) - All Complete

Daemon Development and Optimization

CLI Wallet / Desktop Wallet Development and Optimization

Web Wallet / Mobile Wallet Development and Optimization

E-Commerce Plug-In Integration Development

Codebase Language Format Updated to Clang (C++ Linting)

Known bugs for Qwertycoin software and CryptoNote codebase are being patched and fixed.

Redundant and unused codes were removed.

C++ Cross-Compilation Dependency Manger [Hunter/Polly]

Codecov Implementation for Code Coverage

Travis CI and Appveyor CI - Later replaced by Github Action.

Automatic Github Release Deploy Feature.

Release of Zero GUI wallet

Release of Web Wallet and Mobile Wallet

Multi-language support for wallets

Stage 2: Currency + Application Development (2020 – By the end of 2022) - Current Phase

Consensus Update (EPoW Implementation)

CIMA (Confidence Interval Moving Average) Difficulty Algorithm - Complete

CLIF (Critical Level Impediment Failsafe) Difficulty Algorithm - Complete

New Block Reward Algorithm with Consistency - Complete

Consensus Update (EPoS Implementation)

New Block Construction Method (Hybrid PoS/dPoS)

New Stake Reward Algorithm

Consensus Update (EPoSe Implementation)

Hybrid EPoW/EPoS Consensus

QWCX Wallet - Cross-platform SPV(Simplified Payment Verification) wallet

Mobile Platform - Android and iOS

Desktop Platform - Windows, Linux, MacOS

Web Platform

DB(LMDB) Implementation

Minimize memory use and launch multiple mempool layers.

Smart Contract Implementation

Time-Locked Transactions

Multi-Signature Transactions

On-Chain Trading

Stage 3: Currency Ecosystem Development (2022 – 2024)

Invitation/Integration of Existing Commerce Applications

Commercial Chat Service (Wallet + Chat)

Email Service (Email + Account Alias)

Commerce Integration Optimization

Local Fiat Exchange Commerce


Local Store Exchanges

Patches and Updates for All Software

Stage 4: Application Development and Deployment (2024 – Continuous)

Search Engine + Desktop/Web/Mobile Wallet

Activation of Local Fiat Currency Exchange (Stores)

Business Applications

The Future with Qwertycoin

Qwertycoin team imagines the future of finance depends on distributed ledger technology (DLT), thus Qwertycoin blockchain is not at all like that of the traceable bitcoin as QWC engineers applied CryptoNote Technology V2.0, this technology has been confirmed to give anonymity to clients from the prior ages of cryptocurrencies.

Everybody is allowed to join all QWC network and utilize its services effortlessly. Notwithstanding, QWC requires a focal expert for the turn of events and the administration of QWC network and blockchain. Community commitment and gifts are important to keep the improvement pushing ahead.

For more information, please visit:

Github Source Code: https://github.com/qwertycoin-org Bitcoin Talk Thread: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=2881418.0 Daemon Download for Windows, Linux and MacOS: https://github.com/qwertycoin-org/qwertycoin/releases Desktop Wallet(GUI) Download for Windows, Linux and MacOS: https://github.com/qwertycoin-org/qwertycoin-gui/releases Desktop Wallet(ZERO) Download for Windows, Linux and MacOS: https://github.com/qwertycoin-org/qwertycoin-zero/releases Web Wallet: https://myqwertycoin.com Cross Platform SPV(Simplified Payment Verification) Mobile Wallet for Android: Under development. Cross Platform SPV(Simplified Payment Verification) Mobile Wallet for iPhone: Under development. API Endpoint Mobile Wallet for Android: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=org.qwertycoin.wallet&hl=en_US API Endpoint Mobile Wallet for iPhone: Under development. Explorer, Node List, Pools: https://explorer.qwertycoin.org Master Node Map: https://nodes.qwertycoin.org Voting Platform: https://voting.qwertycoin.org Online Guides: https://docs.qwertycoin.org/

Community Links:

Telegram: https://t.me/qwertycoin Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Qwertycoin-422694361519282/ Discord: https://discord.gg/U5amwCs Twitter: https://twitter.com/Qwertycoin_QWC Reddit: https://www.reddit.com/r/QWERTYCOIN/ Medium: https://medium.com/qwertycoin

Support & Contact Information:

Telegram: https://t.me/qwc_support Email: support@qwertycoin.org

Bitcointalk Username: Bitcoinissatan

Bitcointalk Profile Link: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=905011

QWC Wallet Address: QWC1RgWyCf4EbQRr36PqrD4RpvmDPu3VTPgHcDQJyLsnXnJCPXQkXsA7TfZ1A2D49hYaTkotjHpZ3WrDuisebXH5681npVQRpE

Telegram: Heribtc


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